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Father and Daughter

Light, Medium, Heavy: Night

With our night absorbency Olympics competition as well as surveys we got a better gauge on what is a light, medium and heavy wetter. Combining this information with our own extensive experience, here is a comparison chart to help you gauge where your LO is, as well as help with some possible solutions for your cloth bum.


Do not determine your LO's ooutput by the night nappies you use, sometimes they leak due to fit or other reasons without us realising. So make sure you measure the output for a few nights. Here is how


Keep in mind not all fitteds, hybrid fitteds and night nappies are created equal, some might have more absorbency capabilities than others. Have a look here

Night: Light Wetter (output 0-200ml)

  • A double stuffed pocket (either MF, Bamboo or Charcoal Bamboo) will work for extreme light wetters, but most babies will need more than that even if they are light wetters

  • A pocket stuffed with a natural fibre insert + receiving blanket

  • A pocket stuffed with a hemp flat

  • A terry flat with a cover

  • A good fitted with a cover should be more than enough

  • A good hybrid fitted with a cover

  • A hemp flat boosted with 1 night insert/receiving blanket/another natural fibre insert and a cover will also work great

  • 2 receiving blankets with a cover would be overkill a solid solution

  • 2 hemp flats with a cover would be overkill and definitely a solid solution

  • One step night nappies

Night: Medium Wetter (Output 200-400ml)

Your baby will have a big booty. Even if the nappy has the absorbency capability it might leak due to the wet zone getting over saturated so it's important to boost your wet zone

  • Pockets or AIOs are not recommended for medium wetters and above, to stuff a pocket with enough absorbency you will start getting leg gaps or inserts will move causing leaks even though you haven't used the full absorbency capability of the inserts yet, you can however use your pocket cover over folded flats (but wash it after each use)

  • A well prepped fitted boosted with an additional natural fibre insert or 2 with a cover

  • A well prepped hybrid fitted with an additional natural fibre insert or 2 with a cover

  • 2 terry flats boosted with an insert and with a cover  (eg origami fold + padfolded)

  • 2 hemp flats boosted with an insert and with a cover (eg origami fold + padfolded)

  • A dedicated high quality night nappy boosted with an additional insert

Night: Heavy Wetter (Output 400-600ml)

You will have a huge bum and night cloth might start to get challenging until you get the right fit for your LO, make sure your fit etc is perfect! Even if the nappy has the absorbency capability it might leak due to the wet zone getting over saturated, you might have to consider changing once at night. The correct fit is crucial.

  • A well prepped fitted boosted with an additional hemp flat between the cover and fitted plus an insert or 2 inside with a PUL/fleece/wool cover

  • A well prepped hybrid fitted with an additional hemp flat between the cover and hybrid fitted with an additional natural fiber insert or 2 inside with a PUL/fleece/wool cover

  • 2 terry flats boosted with 2 natural fiber inserts with a cover (fold inserts double in the wet zone)

  • 2 hemp flats boosted with additional inserts with a cover (fold inserts double in the wet zone)

  • A heavy wetter night nappy boosted with a hemp flat or a few natural fiber inserts

Night: Extreme Heavy Wetter (Output 600+ml)

This is very rare! If all the heavy wetter solutions leak for you, I would first look at the other factors that determine night time cloth success before assuming that you do have an extreme heavy wetter. Do output tests and see what your baby's output is. If output tests confirm a heavy wetter we suggest using the heavy wetter solutions but changing baby once at night and using another heavy wetter solution after the change




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