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SACNU Demographics/Psychographics
We collected the demographics and psychographics to better understand our industry and #makeclothmainstream. This was an ANONYMOUS survey. Herewith our results.
Would you buy preloved?
Would you buy preloved?
How many brands of cloth nappies have you tried
How many brands of cloth nappies have you tried?
How old are you?
How old are you?
How many children currently in cloth nappies_
How many children currently in cloth nappies?
What was your main reason for CHOOSING cloth nappies
What was your main reason for CHOOSING cloth nappies?
How often do you use cloth nappies?
How often do you use cloth nappies?
Do you use cloth nappies when away on holiday_
Do you use cloth nappies when away on holiday?
Do you do your own nappy laundry_
Do you do your own nappy laundry?
Tick which apply 1
Tick which apply
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